Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

YOLO Attitude Leads to Five Deaths

Posted on September 11, 2012 | Written By: iadminlaw


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A popular slogan amongst the youth generation is the term “YOLO” which stands for “You only live once.” The popular phrase was popularized in the Drake song named “The Motto.” In the lyrics, the theme of living life to the fullest and not worrying about the consequences is repeated throughout. The catchy lyrics and the carpe diem mentality has taken the youthful generation by storm. However, some individuals have taken the YOLO mentality a little too far.

On Labor Day Monday, September 3, an aspiring rapper was killed in a car crash. This incident happened minutes after he tweeted the hastag “#YOLO” on his Twitter account. The rapper, Ervin McKinness, was in a car with four other men in their early 20s. The men had apparently been drinking when the crash happened.

Twenty minutes before the accident, McKinness tweeted, “Driving tweeting sipping the cup f—k yolo I’m turning it up.” The car was reportedly going 120 mph and drifting when the accident occurred. The person driving the car was the rapper’s friend, Jonathan Watson. Unfortunately, all five occupants lost their lives early Monday morning at around 1:40 a.m. Four out of the five males lost their lives on the scene, one later died in the hospital after an hour.

McKinness, who goes by the name Inkyy and sometimes Jewelz, is a resident from Ontario, California. He had just been recently signed into a record deal and released a track called “Dreams.” The rapper and his friends decided to get very intoxicated during the three day weekend. The driver, 21-year old Watson, had been drinking before taking the wheel and drifting through roadways.

The other victims were 23-year old Marquell Bogan, 20-year old Dylan George, and 23-year old JaJuan Bennett. Families and relatives of the victims are mourning the loss of their loved ones.

While Labor Day is filled with celebration and enjoyment of the last weekend of summer, it does not mean that individuals have the right to become careless and reckless drivers. The term “YOLO” also does not enable youth or adults to do whatever they please and not expect any consequences.

Such as with the case of McKinness and his friends, YOLO only gave them one chance to live and no second chances. When it comes to drinking and driving, everyone must be cautious of their surroundings and never think they are above the law when they are intoxicated. Wrongful death accidents and personal injuries can occur when people are not careful drivers.

If you have been involved in a car accident, contact a personal injury lawyer today.

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