Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Snowplow collision in Minnesota

Posted on February 7, 2013 | Written By: iadminlaw

There was a collision involving a car and snowplow during a busy accident day on Wednesday. In the Red River Valley area of Minnesota, the snow caused a lot of issues for people on the road in the middle of the work week.

A snowplow clearing snow from the North Americ...

A snowplow clearing snow from the North American blizzard of 2003 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Apparently, there was limited visibility when the vehicles collided. It occurred at 9:45 am on Highway 2. No injuries were incurred by the victims.

Since this happened in the morning hours, you might think that things cleared up by the afternoon. This was not the case. 1 to 2 more inches of snow had fallen in some of the same areas by late afternoon. Isolated areas high up in the mountains had even more snow fall.

Luckily, today the weather is forecasted to be mostly cloudy with steadily cold temperatures, that thankfully won’t reach freezing points. Mild winds are also being reported. However, this respite from the snow and its danger could be short-lived since the forecast calls for more snow filling up the valley by Sunday. 

Police had to respond to other accidents in the area throughout the day. Most were minor. The snowplow versus car accident seemed to stand out from the rest.

It is always scary to be on the road with different types of vehicles and heavy machinery. Smart choices pay off in the end. Using the right snow gear for your automobile is a must. Checking the car for anything that your last inspection may have missed is also very important.

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, please contact Accident Attorney’s Group. We will fight for you and your injuries.

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