Linday Lohan Lied To Santa Monica Police
Posted on November 8, 2012 Written By: iadminlaw
Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan is not known for her honesty, but she is known as a menace to society. She has already been in several car accidents. In one of those car accidents, she was less than truthful.
The Santa Monica Police Department says it has evidence that Lohan lied when she claimed she was not behind the wheel of a Porsche that collided with a dump truck earlier this year, and prosecutors are weighing whether to file charges, which could land her back in jail, it was reported today.

This mugshot is found from, and the original is from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. All mugshots from there are released into in the public domain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New charges could be considered a violation of her 2011 parole for shoplifting and lead to her returning to L.A. County jail.
An investigation has determined that Lohan was driving the Porsche during the June collision. The finding contradicts statements Lohan made after the crash to law enforcement officers.
The Los Angeles County district attorney has already determined the matter is not worthy of a felony filing and referred the matter to the Santa Monica prosecutor’s office to determine if the false statement amounts to a violation of the law. The office is expected to take action this week on the case.
Lohan was given probation for a 2007 conviction for driving under the influence. She was later convicted of shoplifting from a Venice jeweler.
The actress was sent to jail several times for violating the terms of her probation. But she eventually complied with a schedule of community service at the county morgue and counseling.
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