Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Drunk Driving Shown in a Fake Accident Staged by a New York School

Posted on April 18, 2013 | Written By: iadminlaw

A football field was the scene of a staged drunk driving accident on Wednesday so that students could see the horrors that could await them if they are not safe drivers. In New York, at Massapequa High School in particular, there was a demonstration done by the police and school officials with students participating as the victims in the scenario.  Students were shocked by the viewing because they could see the immense damage that could arise from a terrible car accident with a driver that is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

English: Relative risk of an accident based on...

It was a two-car crash that left one student dead and smashed against the opposite vehicle’s windshield. Then a drunken driver was given a field sobriety test to show the students how easy it is to cause havoc and be caught immediately.

One student remarked about the play-like and theatrical accident that, “If something happened to my friends, I would be beside myself,” the student said. “So that’s really what happened was, I was just beside myself. It was real.”

The entire scene was staged with fake blood, donated wrecked cars and other props.  A parent had decided that it might be a good idea to create the reality of such an accident for the students rather than have them some stock PSA-type movie about drunk driving. The idea went swimmingly with school officials and the local police department and fire department cooperated with the project because the intense message it sends may save lives. With prom just around the corner, everyone is on heightened alert for unsafe teen drivers.  This staged accident provided students with a close-up of what bad decisions on their part on that celebratory and hectic could lead to and it was not pleasant for anyone. Most students were extremely impacted emotionally. Of course that was the goal and it was achieved by the school.

Have you been in a drunk driving accident? Do you want the driver to pay for what pain and suffering they caused you or your family? Call a personal injury lawyer to assist you with your case and get you the settlement you deserve. Accident Attorney’s Group can assist you!

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