Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Culver City Family Receives $8.8 Million for Wrongful Death

Posted on May 9, 2013 | Written By: iadminlaw

A picture of a Culver City bus taken on April ...

A picture of a Culver City bus taken on April 17, 2008, at the intersection of Westwood and Wilshire Boulevards in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Three years ago, Leroy Grissom was killed by a police officer in Culver City. The twenty-seven year old was shot three times in the back after being pulled over by a police officer who suspected him of robbing an electronics store.

Though he did commit the crime, he did not pose any additional threats once pulled over in the parking lot and he was unarmed. Because of this, the attack on him was unwarranted.

Grissom died from the gunshot wounds. His family outraged by the cop’s actions, filed a federal lawsuit against the Culver City Police Department for the wrongful death.

Wednesday, the federal jury found the defendant guilty and awarded the family $8.8 million in damages. The police department is unsure whether an appeal will be filed yet or not.

Despite Grissom committing a crime, there is no excuse for a police officer to shoot a civilian without any threat present. Grissom was unarmed and cooperating; however, he was still killed.

If you feel that you have experienced a serious injury or death and the fault lies with someone else, contact an injury attorney today to receive information on your rights.

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