What Should You Do if You’re in an Uber Accident?
Posted on August 23, 2018 Written By: iadminlaw
![What Should You Do if You’re in an Uber Accident?](/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/What-Should-You-Do-if-Youre-in-an-Uber-Accident.jpg)
Ridesharing companies like Uber have opened up a lot of possibilities, especially for those who don’t have automobiles of their own. While taking an Uber is certainly convenient, it can also be dangerous. As with any other motor vehicle, your Uber can become involved in an accident—potentially leaving you with major injuries.
What should you do in the event of such an accident? How can you seek justice, and ensure full monetary compensation? The short answer is to hire an Uber car accident lawyer—someone who is well-versed in Uber-specific cases, and ready to help you navigate these legal complexities. I Accident Lawyer more than fits the bill.
Additionally, we encourage you to read the following tips and guidelines from our Uber accident lawyers. Here you’ll find some good advice on maintaining the integrity of your Uber car accident case.
Tips from Our Uber Accident Lawyers
If you are involved in an accident as an Uber passenger:
- First and foremost, make sure everybody is safe. Uber encourages you to always call 911 to get the proper medical care, and also to ensure that the police come to file a report. We agree with this. It’s important to put your physical wellbeing first and foremost.
- Cooperate with the police. Make sure you talk to the police and give them your story. Should you ever wind up in court, the police report will provide a meaningful baseline of fact. And since you’re a passenger, there’s no chance you might admit to any fault in the accident.
- Collect information from any witnesses. If there are other motorists or pedestrians who witnessed the accident, it can be helpful to collect their contact information. You never know when you might need them to testify.
- Get information from the drivers involved. According to our Uber accident lawyers, you’ll want to get the name, address, and phone number of your Uber driver, as well as the other driver who was involved in the accident.
- Attend to your own health. Even if you don’t believe you were injured, it’s always wise to go to a clinic or to the ER for a check-up. You may have internal injuries that you know nothing about. Furthermore, if you end up in court, you’ll need to show that you did everything in your power to heal properly. To that end, keep records from your doctor appointments.
- Go to follow-up appointments. Our Uber car accident lawyers also encourage you to go to any follow-up appointments or physical therapy sessions your doctor recommends. Again, go even if you don’t feel like it’s necessary; it can be an important part of your legal case.
- Enlist an Uber accident attorney. Getting compensated from an Uber accident can be exceedingly complicated. Why? Because you’re really dealing with three insurance companies—yours, Uber’s, and the other driver’s—and nobody’s going to want to pay their share. To fight for your rights, it’s smart to have a trained Uber car accident lawyer on your side. Again, I Accident Lawyer is more than happy to help.
- Don’t make any statements to insurance companies. Even your own insurance company is not truly on your side; they will do whatever they can do to get out of paying your fair share and may even try to trick you into contradicting yourself. We advise against making any statements without having your attorney present.
- Don’t accept any checks the insurance company sends you. Cashing or depositing a check often constitutes acceptance of a “final” settlement—meaning your case will be over, and you may get a lot less than what you really deserve! Ask your Uber car accident lawyer before you accept any money from an insurance company.
Seeking the Right Uber Accident Lawyer
It is important to note that, while there are many personal injury lawyers who specialize in car accident cases, not every attorney understands the ins and outs of rideshare cases. It’s worth seeking out the expertise of someone who can navigate those legal complexities.
In fact, there are a number of benefits to hiring an Uber accident lawyer like I Accident Lawyer. Some of the services we can deliver include:
- Evaluating your case to let you know how much it’s worth.
- Helping you cover any out-of-pocket expenses you incur.
- Getting you reimbursed for medical costs.
- Handling all contact/negotiations with the insurance companies.
- Fighting for the maximum monetary compensation.
To put it even more simply, our mission is to handle all the hassle for you, leaving you to focus your energy on making a full physical and emotional recovery.
Why We’re the Top Choice for Uber Accident Cases
I Accident Lawyer is widely known for only representing the interests of drivers and passengers who have been injured in accidents. We never represent big companies or insurers. Some additional points about our Uber car accident lawyers include:
- We boast an exceedingly high settlement success rate—more than 95 percent!
- We provide free consultations for every case; we will come meet you wherever you are—at home, at your office, or in the hospital.
- You can call us 24/7, and when you do, you’ll get to speak directly with one of our attorneys.
- We handle all of our case work in house. We don’t farm anything out to other law offices.
- We always seek the maximum monetary compensation for our clients—and we don’t get paid unless you win your case!
These are just some of the values that make us a trusted name in Uber accident representation.
Trusted Legal Support from I Accident Lawyer
If you or a loved one are ever involved in an accident while riding in an Uber, it’s important to seek the proper legal guidance. At I Accident Lawyer, we are highly experienced in helping clients through rideshare-related cases. To learn more, contact our team of Uber accident lawyers at any time. We are here to help you 24/7.