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Freddie Gibbs Speaks out about Police Brutality

Posted on February 8, 2013 | Written By: iadminlaw

Freddie Gibbs, who works with the artist Madlib, just released a new interview where he covers the topics of music and speaks out about police brutality. The interview was conducted before a show he would be performing in in New York City.

English: Freddie Gibbs in 2011

English: Freddie Gibbs in 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As a native of Gary, Indiana, the hometown of Michael Jackson, he has a deep appreciation for music and its ability to convey feelings and thoughts. His new project with Madlib is Cocaine Pinata. As a free agent, he relishes his position of control for the artistic process. The project was inspired by some of his other friends who have worked with Madlib.

Madlib’s large fan base was a huge draw for the rapper. Gibbs states that the challenge was worth it and he felt he knocked it out of the park.

Police officers have murdered a friend of his in front of family for no good reason. They did not receive any consequences or punishments. He believes it’s wrong that they abuse their power. Gibbs doesn’t feel right that police have the right to hold your life in their hands when they pull you over for a routine traffic violation.

He recalls one incident when he was driving with a friend and the police officer pulled him over, in his words, for “driving while black” and proceeded to try to search the vehicle. The cop took his gun without a search warrant and arrested him, but not before beating him for a little while. He rode in the police car with his friend in the back and him in the front as they    waited to reach the jail.

Warning sign for police brutality.

Warning sign for police brutality. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Freddie Gibbs says he was able to learn a great deal about discipline and responsibility while serving in the army as an alternative to serving time in prison. He still would not wish it on anyone and believes it did more harm than good.

Police brutality may seem like a problem of the early ’90s, but it persists to this day. African-Americans are heavily targeted, but with recent laws against illegal immigrants and unlawful guests in the country, Mexicans and other South Americans have also been picked up, harassed and treated horribly by judgmental and rash officers. It’s not to say that all police officers come out of the academy looking to inflict unnecessary pain on individuals they believe are guilty. There is just enough of it continuing that it makes it an issue that should not be swept under the rug and forgotten.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of police brutality or mishandling during a traffic stop, arrest or search, please contact a lawyer at the Accident Attorney’s Group.

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