California Reducing Injury Deaths
Posted on May 22, 2012 Written By: iadminlaw
California certainly deserves accolades for outscoring most U.S. states in the latest injury related deaths and having a low number of fatalities related to injuries per “The Facts Hurt: A State by State Injury Prevention Report”. California ranked fourth as the state with the least amount of injury related deaths and scored a nine out of ten in injury prevention with only one other state.
There were two areas that the study examined, the first was Injury prevention. This was determined on a state by state basis regarding a gamut of ten safety type questions. These questions include: seat belts as a primary law; drunk driving prevention; universal helmet law required for all riders; booster seats required for children up to age eight; bicycle requirements for all children; intimate partner violence- allowing people in dating relationships to get protection orders; teen dating violence – received an “A” in the Break the Cycle Report (CA got an A, NY got a B); have a strong concussion law; have an active prescription drug monitoring program; and E-codes.
The next section the report studied was deaths due to injury per 100,000 people. California ranked fourth to last at 47.6 deaths per 100,000 people; New Jersey had the least deaths at 36.1 and New Mexico had the most at 97.8. The nation’s rate is 57.9 deaths per 100,000 Americans who die in injury-related fatalities.
According to the press release by Safe States Alliance more than 50 million Americans incur medical injuries each year. Injuries are preventable occurrences that have a financial effect on the economy. There are about 2.8 million Americans who are hospitalized every year for injury related reasons. They generate about $406 billion in lifetime medical costs and lost productivity. About 12,000 children and teens die each year from deaths resulting in injury related incidents.
If you or someone you know is one of the nation’s 50 million Americans that are injured and need help, you could use support from a car accident lawyer. You need to contact The Accident Attorneys’ Group who provide their clients the expert legal help to win results in California and Bakersfield.
Bakersfield does what they can to keep their city safe with the use of law enforcement and other avenues. Feel confident that the Bakersfield car accident lawyer who represents you recognizes these issues from the inside and out. They are professionals who live in your communities and share your roads.
“The Facts Hurt: A State-By-State Injury Prevention Policy Report” was released by groups legitimately interested in ensuring the nation’s safety: The Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; and the leading injury prevention experts from the Safe States Alliance and the Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Prevention.