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Decision to Place Stop Sign and Crosswalk at High Bluff

Posted on October 22, 2015 | Written By: iadminlaw


A decision regarding placing a stop sign and crosswalk on High Bluff Drive and Grandvia Point has been reached. There has been concern about the safety of the intersection by community residents. There were some dissenting votes when the issue went before the Carmel Valley Community Planning Board and in fact an affirmative vote was reversed in March because some community members said they had been uninformed about the decision. The issue went before the board again in June and was approved.

The intersection has a blind curve which prompted some board members to vote against the measure.

The decision was made after a fatal accident occurred April 30 in which a 57 year old female attempted to cross the street on Del Mar Trail Road where there was no stop sign.

Community member, Sean Coughlin, circulated a petition requesting the measure.

Other solutions considered for the intersection were curb bumps and narrowing the intersection.

Both solutions, it was reported would have been ineffective.

One of the Board members remarked that he felt that someone getting injured at this intersection was inevitable.

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Source: Del Mar Times

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