Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Lindsay Lohan Could Face Jail Time

Posted on December 3, 2012 | Written By: iadminlaw

This has been a tough year for troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan. Not only did her attempt to portray the late Elizabeth Taylor fail miserably on the small screen, but she faces more legal troubles.

Lohan’s lawyer predicts the actress will be exonerated after being arrested in a New York nightclub brawl. But new charges in California could result in jail time for the star.

This mugshot is found from http://www.perezhil...

This mugshot is found from, and the original is from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. All mugshots from there are released into in the public domain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Lohan was arrested on suspicion of third-degree assault, a misdemeanor, after she allegedly punched a woman in the face at Club Avenue in Manhattan’s fashionable meatpacking district.

Lohan also faces three misdemeanor charges for allegedly lying to Santa Monica police in connection with a June traffic accident on Pacific Coast Highway. Her lawyer in Los Angeles has not commented on that case.

If the prosecutor moves forward as expected, a judge could give her jail time after determining she violated her 2011 probation on a conviction for shoplifting from a Venice jewelry store. Santa Monica prosecutors weighed charges against Lohan for weeks after police said they found evidence that she lied when she told officers she was not behind the wheel of a Porsche that collided with a dump truck.

She was charged Thursday with obstructing an investigation, giving false information to an officer and reckless driving. Lohan has already been sent to jail several times for violating the terms of her probation, but she eventually complied with rules set down by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner.

More recently, the 26-year-old actress has been spending time in New York, where she has been part of several law enforcement investigations. In September, the actress claimed she was choked by a political aide in a New York hotel room. Charges against the man were dropped.

Lohan was then the subject of an investigation in which she was accused of clipping a man with her car outside another Manhattan nightclub. No charges were filed in that case.

In October, police were called to a reported domestic disturbance at Lohan’s mother’s home in Mineola, N.Y., after what was described as an argument between the actress and her mother. The incident did not result in any arrests or charges.

Thursday’s incident occurred inside Club Avenue. Police said Lohan was sitting inside a black SUV when officers arrived and arrested her at about 4 a.m.

Lohan was not injured and the alleged victim, whose injuries were not disclosed, refused medical treatment at the scene, officials said.

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