Orcutt, CA – Suspects Crash Stolen Vehicle After Alleged Hemp Theft
Posted on December 4, 2019 Written By: iadminlaw

Suspects Crash Stolen Vehicle in Orcutt After Alleged Hemp Theft
ORCUTT, CA (December 4, 2019) – On Sunday afternoon, two suspects crashed a stolen vehicle after an alleged theft of hemp in Orcutt. The December 1 incident occurred in the vicinity of Dominion Road and Clark Avenue.
The time was roughly 2:00 p.m., according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office.
Reports say a security guard notified authorities that hemp was stolen from where it was growing near Dominion Road and Clark Avenue. According to reports, the suspects are alleged to have stolen a vehicle, and while fleeing, crashed nearby.
The suspects ran from the crash site. Deputies located the suspects and arrested them.
The suspects were identified only as two men from Santa Maria, 18 years old, and 21 years old. Their names have not been reported.
The suspects face charges of felony theft of crop, stolen vehicle, and possession of a stolen vehicle. Reports say the hemp that was stolen was roughly worth $350.
The identity of the owner of the stolen vehicle has not been reported. The vehicle has not been described.
Investigators are continuing their work to gather details and evidence regarding the incident.
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