Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Stay Safe on Your Next Family Road Trip

Posted on July 6, 2018 | Written By: iadminlaw

Stay Safe on Your Next Family Road Trip

During the summer, families all over the country hit the road and strike out for vacation—whether that means a trip to the mountains, the beach, or a favorite amusement park. As your family considers its next long drive, make sure you’re doing everything within your power to be cautious and safe. In this post, we’ll share a few family road trip safety tips from our car accident lawyers.

Safety Advice from a Car Accident Attorney

Here are our tips for putting safety first on your next family road trip.

  1. Make sure your vehicle is in good working order. Take care of your car so that it will take care of you. Make sure the brakes are working properly, and the engine is functioning as intended. Always take your car for a service appointment before embarking on a family road trip.
  2. Rest up. Another important tip from our car accident lawyer? Get plenty of rest the night before your trip, and if at all possible keep your driving to daylight hours. Driving while drowsy is one of the primary causes of accidents, but it’s nothing a good night’s sleep (and perhaps some coffee) can’t address.
  3. Ensure the right safety equipment for your kids. Do your kids need car seats? How about booster seats? Do you have the right ones, and are they installed properly? If you’re unsure, you can actually go to the local fire department to have them help you out.
  4. Balance the weight in your vehicle. During a family road trip, you’re naturally going to have a bunch of stuff in tow. Try to store heavier items lower in the seat wells, which will prevent them from becoming projectiles should your vehicle come to a sudden stop. And if you have stuff in an open cargo area, try to batten it down securely.
  5. Make plenty of stops. For families with young kids, this usually isn’t a problem! Nevertheless, our car accident attorney advises stopping at least once every two hours or so, just to stretch your legs and gear up for the next leg of the journey.
  6. Keep distractions out of view. If you’re the driver, have your front-seat passenger handle things like answering test messages, using the GPS, and switching the music on or off. Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road at all times!
  7. Consider the long view. To see signs of potential danger, you should always be looking as far down the road as possible. According to our car accident lawyer, you want to be aware of what’s going on at least 10 cars in front of you.
  8. Know the route in advance. Finally, make sure you’re familiar with your travel path before you hit the road. Know where the possible points of congestion will be, and also any potential alternate routes. Don’t just rely on Google Maps to do it all for you!

Know a Good Car Accident Attorney

With these tips, you’re all set for a safe family road trip. In the event that you do find yourself in any kind of collision, be sure you know the name and contact information of a good car accident lawyer. I Accident Lawyer can help. We only represent those who have been injured in car accident cases, and we always fight for the maximum monetary compensation. We are here around the clock to consult on your case.

To speak with a car accident lawyer from the I Accident Lawyer team, give us a call at any time.

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