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A pelvic mesh implant is a device that is used to correct a condition called pelvic organ prolapse. This problem occurs when the muscles in the pelvic weaken. As a result of this, the rectum, uterus and bladder drop into the vagina. It often occurs after childbirth, a hysterectomy or menopause.
Thousands of women get a pelvic mesh implant every year. Even though the pelvic mesh implant is effective for correcting pelvic organ prolapse, all of these devices are not designed properly. Serious complications have been linked to defective pelvic mesh implants, such as bleeding, infection and urinary problems. Women who get a pelvic mesh implant may experience pain during intercourse. Additionally, the implant can protrude out of the vaginal tissue.
Many patients who experience complications from the pelvic mesh implant are required to undergo additional surgeries. They may also require blood transfusions and IV therapy. In many cases, the pelvic mesh implant has to be removed. The complications may not go away even if the device is removed. Keep in mind that it may not be possible to completely remove the pelvic mesh implant.
Because there have been concerns raised about the safety of the pelvic mesh device, doctors are encouraged to look at alternatives. There are many techniques and procedures that are safer than the pelvic mesh implant. According to the Food And Drug Administration, surgically placing a pelvic mesh implant without looking into other options may expose the patient to unnecessary risks.
Millions of women had had the pelvic mesh implant placed. Unfortunately, health care providers did not realize the complications until thousands of women had already had this device. There are over 40,000 pending pelvic mesh implant lawsuits. The manufacturers of this device reported in 2008 that complications from this device were rare. However, they recanted that statement in 2011 and told doctors and patients that complications were fairly common.
Many women have incurred thousands of dollars in medical expenses due to the complications of the pelvic mesh implant. Fortunately, patients who have had complications may be able to get compensation for their injuries. If you have suffered complications from the pelvic mesh implant, then you will need to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will thoroughly review your case.
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