© iAccident Lawyer, Inc. All Rights Reserved
*Donald Stevenson is a managing member lawyer with the Accident Attorneys Group Inc dba iAccidentLawyer. Results depicted herein are an aggregate total since the inception of the firm and derived through all the member lawyers of the firm both current and formerly employed. Results vary according to the facts, not a guarantee, warranty or prediction of outcome. This does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your case and results include that of independent associated counsel from CA, NV, and CO. Pictures depicted are a dramatization only and may not be members of the firm or actual accident scenes. In the event of a loss, you may be obligated to pay the opposing parties fees and costs. We are not affiliated with any public agency. Nothing on this site, including the URL title, is to constitute an inference or implication that we are the "best" (or similar word) attorneys in comparison to other firms, but rather states our opinion. In the event that you fill out any forms or request a case evaluation, this does not guarantee that you: (a) do in fact have a case (b) that we will become your legal representation (c) does not guarantee a response from one of our attorneys (d) enter into any type of relationship with the firm. It is at our discretion to call you or take you on as a client. iAccident Lawyer makes no claim or representation regarding, and accepts no responsibility for, the quality, content, nature or reliability of third-party web sites accessible by hyperlink from the site, or web sites linking to the site. Our lawyers have over 30 years of combined experience.
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