What are the Top Causes of Auto Accidents?
Posted on July 21, 2017 Written By: iadminlaw
What tends to cause car accidents? Intoxication? Distractions, like testing or social media? Failure to obey traffic laws? It’s all of the above, actually, and so much more. The truth is, there are many potential factors that go into highway accidents. In this post, we’ll look at a few of the most common ones, as determined by the leading car accident attorneys at I Accident Lawyer.
The Leading Causes of Car Accidents, in California and Beyond
Distracted driving. This is the big one, but it’s not just texting. Anything that takes your mind off the road can qualify as a potentially fatal distraction—even using hands-free functions on your phone!
Speeding. Speed limits exist for a reason, and they are not chosen arbitrarily. If you drive in excess of the posted speed limit, you’re putting yourself in danger, plain and simple.
Reckless driving. You may not be disobeying the speed limit, but even if you’re just driving erratically or impatiently, it could potentially lead to hazardous situations—and certainly it leads to impaired judgment.
Tailgating. On a related note, following close behind other drivers—no matter how annoyingly slow you may find them to be—can very quickly turn into a collision if you’re not careful. Avoid it!
Unsafe lane changes. Our experienced personal injury lawyers see a lot of accidents that are caused by people trying to change lanes during an ill-advised moment. Be mindful of what’s going on in all the lanes around you before attempting a shift.
Bad weather. Rain, sleet, snow—all of these things can cause road conditions to become slick and visibility impeded. Make sure you are extra cautious when the weather is bad, or just don’t drive at all.
Ice. On a related note: If you live somewhere where icy roads are a problem, be extra careful as you set out, and especially attentive to black ice.
Night driving. Night time leads to impaired visibility, too. Always use your lights, and if night vision is something you struggle with, ask someone else to drive for you!
Ignoring stop lights and stop signs. At I Accident Lawyer, we see a lot of car accident cases that hinge on run lights or ignored stop signs. Pay attention when you’re driving, and come to a complete stop when you’re supposed to.
Missing Wrong Way signs. Again, these signs are not arbitrary; pay attention to them!
Intoxication. There is never any reason to drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol—period. The results can be fatal, not just for you but for other people on the road.
Protect Yourself from Danger
The bottom line: Driving is not without serious risk. Protect yourself by being aware of these major causes of highway accidents. Also, we recommend knowing the name of a good car accident attorney, should the worse-case scenario unfold. I Accident Lawyer is here to help, of course. Reach out to us directly to speak with a car accident attorney whenever you need one!