Skydiver Pummels to His Death While Trying to Perform Risky Trick
Posted on September 18, 2012 Written By: iadminlaw
Skydiving is an activity many people either enjoy or fear. While some people may go skydiving once or twice in their lives, others skydive on a regular basis. The exhilaration, the adrenaline, and the fall proves to be a fun gut-dropping feeling many enjoy. However, one misjudgment or one wrong risky move can end that fun for a diver once and for all.
Donald Brown, a 43-year old skydiver, fell to his death on Saturday night, September 15. He was a trained and experienced diver but many are saying he misjudged his altitude and deployed his parachute a little too late. The Napa County resident was pronounced dead on the scene, just minutes after he pulled open his parachute.
Brown was to land in Byron Airport. He was performing a maneuver known as “swooping” when he misjudged his altitude and did not have enough time to perform the advanced movement. Because he was too low to the ground, he did not have enough time to properly finish the move and ended up falling to his death after quickly pulling his parachute.
The 43-year old male had been skydiving for 20 years and was known as “Donny” amongst his friends. Jimmy Lee, a Contra Costa Sheriff’s Office spokesman, says that the accident was a non-criminal death. This accident was purely from the diver’s attempt to perform a swooping trick and not from product malfunction or liability. This wrongful death accident is not a criminal matter.
Witnesses of the fall told police that when the skydiver was descending, his parachute opened up but it looked like he was going to miss his target.
The swooping technique involves hurtling down at high speeds and then immediately slowing down by turning horizontal before landing. When Brown was swooping, he must have realized his close proximity to the ground as he tried to redirect himself to his target. However, he was too low to the ground and did not have enough time to maneuver himself into the proper position before hitting the ground.
The accident happened from the landing. He was hurtling from the sky at a too high rate of speed which caused him to hit the ground too hard. Even though Brown was a greatly skilled skydiver, he was still victim to a wrongful death accident. He also had been a mentor to other individuals seeking to skydive.
Nothing but positive comments can be mind by Brown’s death regarding his character. He was known to be a happy and great person. He was also engaged to Courtenay Bost during the time of his tragic accident.
If you have lost somebody in a wrongful death accident, do not hesitate to click here to find a wrongful death attorney to help you in legal matters. More info can be provided if you seek the right lawyer.