Newhall, CA – Two Separate Crashes on Rain-slicked Highway 14 Cause Injuries
Posted on May 17, 2019 Written By: iadminlaw
Two Separate Crashes on Rain-slicked Highway 14 in Newhall Cause Injuries
NEWHALL, CA (May 17, 2019) – Two separate crashes on rain-slicked Highway 14 caused injuries Thursday morning in Newhall. The May 16 incidents occurred close to the exit for Newhall Avenue and Highway 14 northbound.
The time of the first incident was roughly 7:45 a.m., Marvin Lim said. Lim is a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Fire Department.
Reports say a vehicle—described as silver in color—traveling off the side of the road and struck a guardrail. A different vehicle was reported to have overturned. No additional description of either vehicle has been reported.
According to Lim, the call was reported as a traffic collision. One of the people involved in the incident was said to be trapped. The person—who was described as a driver of one of the vehicles—was able to exit the wreckage. Respondents arrived on scene and transported the person to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. The types of injuries the person suffered have not been reported, nor the person’s current condition.
The identity of the person has also not been reported, including name, age, gender, and city of residence. It is not known from reports which vehicle the person had been driving, and if anyone else had been traveling in the vehicle at the time of the crash.
Nothing is known from reports about the driver of the other vehicle that crashed. The person’s identity has not been reported, and it is not known which vehicle that person had been driving. Reports do not say if that person was hurt.
Investigators are continuing their work to understand the sequences of the crashes, and their details.
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