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Lindsay Lohan Is Jealous Of Amanda Bynes

Posted on September 17, 2012 | Written By: iadminlaw

Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan doesn’t understand why cops are giving Amanda Bynes a break. Maybe it’s because Bynes doesn’t quite have a long enough rap sheet.

Lindsay Lohan, who knows her away around the criminal justice system, thinks the cops and prosecutors are going easy on actress Amanda Bynes.

This mugshot is found from http://www.perezhil...

This mugshot is found from, and the original is from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. All mugshots from there are released into in the public domain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Bynes, the Nickelodeon TV child star turned “Easy A ” actress, was pulled over Sunday by Burbank airport police while driving her BMW. The officer cited Bynes, towed her car and let her go.

At the time of the incident, Bynes was already facing two hit-and-run charges and one of driving under the influence. Her driver’s license was revoked August 25 after the hit-and-run charges.

The fact that Bynes was let go Sunday seemed to irk Lohan, who was arrested and hauled off to jail several times while on supervised probation for five years for a DUI and a subsequent charge of shoplifting jewelry.

“Why did I get put in jail and a nickelodeon star has had NO punishment(s) so far?” Lohan wrote on Twitter.

The tweet was quickly endorsed by some of her 4-million-plus followers on the social network.

Bynes, 25, is facing a drunk-driving charge after hitting a Los Angeles County sheriff’s cruiser April 6 in West Hollywood. After two more charges of hit and run were filed earlier this month, Bynes’ driver’s license was suspended, officials with the state Department of Motor Vehicles said. The charges are in connection with incidents April 10 and Aug. 4.

Lohan’s criticism may be motivated in part by the news that Bynes was pulled over Sept. 9 because her lights were not on. In that incident, Los Angeles police officers never asked for her driver’s license, which had been suspended Aug 25. Driving with a suspended license is against the law.

Then Sunday about 8:20 a.m., airport police pulled Bynes over. But instead of arresting her and taking her into custody, police cited and released her.

“These are the moments that I appreciate, my life experiences, living without regrets and Disney for supporting me as an actress — night all,” Lohan posted on Twitter shortly after her Bynes comment.

Lohan’s career is rebounding after an  L.A. County Superior Court judge ended her supervised probation in March and praised her for completing her community service and ending five years of criminal court appearances that saw her jailed several times.

During Lohan’s lengthy probation stemming from two DUI arrests, she has been repeatedly jailed by judges for various violations, including using drugs and alcohol and failing to perform her required community service at a downtown women’s center.

Judge Stephanie Sautner sentenced Lohan to jail and saw her placed under house arrest for her probation violations. Sautner then imposed a strict set of monthly community service and therapy requirements with a warning that the actress would be jailed if she did anything wrong.

Lohan has publicly credited the judge and Lohan’s attorney, Shawn Holley, with helping her rebuild her life and career, which hit rock bottom with the necklace theft conviction.

She recently completed a movie for Lifetime, in which she plays actress Elizabeth Taylor.

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