Freeways Reopen Following Massive Truck Accidents
Posted on October 24, 2012 Written By: iadminlaw
Early yesterday morning, nine big rigs collided in two crashes in the tunnels on the truck bypass route in the Newhall Pass. The collisions, tentatively blamed on speeding over what could have been wet roads, occurred on the southbound Golden State Freeway at the southbound Antelope Valley Freeway, with the first reported incident occurring at 3:07 a.m.
While there were minor injuries reported, no one was killed in these incidents.
The southbound truck route at the 5 and 14 Freeway transition roads reopened Tuesday afternoon after two separate collisions caused nine big rig trucks to jackknife, according to the California Highway Patrol.
The first collision involving four trucks occurred around 3 a.m., just north of Edison Road.
The second crash, involving five big rigs, took place a short time later at the north end of the tunnel.
Los Angeles County firefighters freed one big rig driver who was trapped just before 6 a.m. He was transported to a local hospital in stable condition.
At least six heavy duty tow trucks have been ordered to help clear the scene.
The causes of both accidents are under investigation. Officials suspect speed and weather may have been factors because it was raining at the time of the accidents.
If you or a loved one were the victim of a truck accident that was caused by negligence or some other form of reckless behavior, it is important that you contact a committed and dedicated personal injury lawyer to help you decide if you should file a lawsuit. A competent and reputable injury lawyer can help you receive the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering.