Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Fiery crash becomes a story of survival for six

Posted on January 8, 2014 | Written By: iadminlaw

Fiery crash becomes a story of survival for six

Source: NBC San Diego

Six people were lucky to be alive after a high-speed, fiery crash Monday on Interstate 8 in the East Country.

Around 10:15 a.m. on westbound Interstate 8 between Pine Valley and Descanso, a San Diego Man in a Ford Expedition made an unsafe lane change, clipping the front of a motorhome. The two vehicles veered off the road and over the side, hitting the bottom of a steep, rocky ravine and then bursting into flames.

The motorhome was carrying a Colorado Springs man, his wife, and their three children.

“Multiple situations could’ve happened,” said U.S. Forest Service Battalion Chief Jason Kraling, whose crews responded to the incident, in an interview with NBC San Diega. “We’re just thankful that it turned out the way that it did, that these folks were able to make their way up the hill.”

Everyone inside both vehicles managed to escape without being burned. They then scrambled up the hill as paramedics and firefighters arrived.

“Luckily, no one was seriously injured out of all of this,” said California Highway Patrol spokesman Kevin Pearlstein in an interview with NBC San Diego. “We’ve had several crashes where recreational vehicles just open up like a can, is basically what happens. You peel the can; whatever’s in there just goes wherever. So, very lucky.”

Injuries ranged from a gashed forehead suffered by the woman to mild and moderate bodily injuries for the rest. All were treated at Sharp Memorial Hospital.

The accident remains under investigation and no charges have been filed as of yet.

If you need a car accident lawyer call The Accident Attorneys Group at 877-857-7720.

Source: NBC San Diego

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