Dog Attack in Riverside, California
Posted on April 23, 2013 Written By: iadminlaw
Two young toddlers, ages one and two years old, were taken to the hospital after they were attacked by an eight year old pit bull. The boys were playing in a family friend’s backyard when the friend’s dog went for them. It is unknown whether the boys were alone in the yard or if the parents were present before the assault.
The dog has been quarantined and will be moved to a humane facility.
As of now, it is a mystery as to what caused the attack on the boys. It is possible that the dog lashed out without any provocation, or it is possible that the boys were harassing the dog prior to the attack. It is easy to forget that dogs are animals that are programmed with instincts and if/when they are feeling threatened, they react as any animal would.
Pit bulls were bred to fight. Now that dog-fighting is illegal across America, the breed has been brought into homes, but their nature to protect and attack once threatened cannot be easily erased. It is vital that pit bull owners know how to train this breed and do not abuse its over protectiveness.
Pit bull terriers and rottweilers have accounted for 73% of the fatal dog attacks since 2005. This number includes adult and child deaths. In fact, dog attacks are the fifth highest reason that child go to emergency rooms due to voluntary activities (i.e. playing sports).
Being attacked by a dog is a serious issue. Not only can an attack cause disfigurement or fatalities, it also demands serious medical attention. Today, attack victims suffer over $1 billion in financial losses annually. Not only are medical bills high, but the loss in wages, permanent disabilities, possible property damage, and more create an enormous monetary setback.
Having an attorney help sort through the insurance claims and damages is vital with dog attacks. Contact one of our great injury lawyers today.