Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Defective Toyota Camry

Posted on February 4, 2015 | Written By: iadminlaw


An accident in 2006 left three people dead. The car was a 1996 Toyota Camry. The question was whether the car had a defect or whether the driver was negligent. A jury ruled that both were true.

Koua Fong Lee was the driver. The accident happened on I-94 in St Paul, Minnesota. He said he applied the brakes to no avail. Toyota said the car did not have a defect.

Lee was sent to prison on the conviction of vehicular homicide. Two other people were injured.

Reports about Toyota defects caused the case to be re-opened but because prosecutors chose not to pursue the case, he was freed after spending 2 1/2 years in prison.

Lee and his family latter sued


Robert Koening, personal injury lawyer.

Robert Koening, personal injury lawyer.

Toyota. Lee’s attorney, Paul Hilliard said that the car had a defect and that Toyota never tested the car for reliability.

Javis Tric-Adams Sr and Javis Tric-Adams Jr, 9 years old, both died in the accident. Devyn Bolton, 6, was paralyzed and died in October of 2007. Jassmine Adams, 12, daughter of Tice-Adams, was also seriously injured, along with Trice-Adams father, Quincy Ray Adams.

If you need a car accident lawyer call at 800-920-0810

Source : LA Times

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