Car Accident and Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

10 Ways to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

Posted on July 20, 2018 | Written By: iadminlaw

10 Ways to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents

Riding a motorcycle can be invigorating. At times, it can even be therapeutic. But of course, it can also be dangerous. To help avoid motorcycle accidents, consider these tips; and, if you ever are in an accident, contact a qualified motorcycle accident attorney right away.

How to Avoid Having a Motorcycle Accident

  1. Be in the right state of mind. Studies show that bikers who are angry or especially hot-headed take bigger risks—and end up being in accidents more often. Before your ride, take a quick inventory of your mental health—and if you’re feeling upset, try to cool off a bit before you ride.
  2. Wear appropriate gear. Make sure you’re dressed for a safe ride! That means good boots, gloves, and a helmet. Ensure that your clothing covers your entire body, ideally with some good, tough leather. And of course, make sure you bring along sunglasses to help with visibility.
  3. Never assume that other drivers can see you. A good rule of thumb for bikers: Never jump to the conclusion that other motorists can see you. Assume you’re invisible—and take care of yourself accordingly.
  4. Remember that even parked cars can be problems. You don’t have to be going fast to get into an accident! It’s surprisingly common for the passenger in a parked car to open their door right as a biker whizzes by—so make sure you give even stationary vehicles plenty of room.
  5. Minimize distraction. Ask any motorcycle accident lawyer and they’ll tell you that riding while distracted is one of the primary causes of collisions. So how can you avoid distraction? Avoid doing anything on your phone, even if you’re stopped at a light. Make sure your music and GPS are set before your ride and leave any texts or phone calls until you’re safely parked somewhere.
  6. Pay attention to road conditions. Bikers need to be alert at all times—and not just for traffic. Be on the lookout for potholes or uneven pavement, too. Any adverse road conditions could potentially cause you to lose control of your ride.
  7. Take care of your vehicle, and it will take care of you. When’s the last time you took your bike in for maintenance? Are you up to date on things like oil changes? What about your tires? To maximize safety, it’s vital to keep your bike in good, proper, working order.
  8. Know how to brake effectively. Any motorcycle accident lawyer will tell you that effective braking is key—that you can’t be too timid nor too aggressive in braking. If you’re not totally comfortable with your bike’s brakes, take some time to practice, in a safe and controlled setting.
  9. Stay in the mix with other cars. In dense urban traffic, you don’t want to be way out ahead of the other vehicles—but neither do you want to be way behind them. Try to stay in the same area as other motor vehicles whenever you can.
  10. Don’t drink before you ride. Never. Any motorcycle accident attorney will tell you that drinking and riding is a fatal combo—truly an accident waiting to happen.

Get Help from a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

With these tips, you should be ready for a safe ride—but even if you do all the right things, accidents can still happen. As such, it’s wise to know the name of a reputable motorcycle accident lawyer.

At I Accident Lawyer, we have ample experience representing those who have been injured in highway accidents, and we always fight for the maximum monetary compensation. To speak with a motorcycle accident attorney, call I Accident Lawyer today.

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